The Importance of Small Groups

Lina SG





Hello Oikos LA!

My name is Lina and I am currently serving as one of the small group leaders for Oikos LA. Being part of the church for the last eight years, I wanted to serve as a small group leader to bring the members closer to God and to each other to foster and encourage a loving, yet vulnerable community.

Serving as a Small Group Leader

It is my third year serving as a small group leader and I have been blessed each time small groups roll around. With a new group each time, different members bring a different dynamic to the group, but what has moved me to serve again and again is the openness between the members and seeing how much they have grown from the start of small groups.

Lina gov - BlogThe members' willingness to share and commitment in one another has always inspired me to continue serving, hoping to continue the community of loving Christ and loving one another, building a safe, strong, Christ-centered environment where we can depend on one another.

The Need for Small Groups in the Pandemic

Though due to the pandemic, small groups have been meeting virtually, it is still equally a great of a blessing as it were to be in person. It is unfortunate that we cannot meet in person, as small groups is more than just having a weekly meeting together, but trying to do life together, yet it has also been a learning experience to intentionally build a deeper bond with each small group member. I would like to see other members also take part in developing and maintaining such relationships to glorify and praise Christ for the family we have.


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