Join us in our Bible Reading Plan!

At OIKOS LA, we believe that it is essential to grasp the significance of prioritizing our relationship with God each day. The 5x5x5 plan offers us a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in the life-changing wisdom contained within the words of the Bible.

In 2024, we will be reading the entire New Testament over the span of a year.

The format is simple yet profound: five minutes a day, five days a week, and five ways to dig deeper into the text. Recognize that practicing this discipline lies not just in the quantity of time invested, but in the consistency and intentionality of our engagement with the Holy Scriptures.


In order to keep each other accountable, we have a sticker chart in our church hallway that we fill in to indicate which chapters of the Bible we read.

Pastor Sam will send daily encouragement and reminders over our Discord server to help keep all of us on track.

Our reading plan provides a framework for consistent Bible reading, helping you establish a daily habit of spending time in God's Word. By following a plan, you'll stay on track and accountable to your spiritual growth goals.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The 5x5x5 plan serves as a gentle reminder, urging us to pause, reflect, and connect with Jesus through His strength, wisdom, and love. As we embark on this collective journey, we join hands with fellow members of Oikos LA, creating a community that uplifts, supports, and encourages one another on the path to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God.

Please consider joining us in our Bible Reading Plan by connecting with us using our Connection Card!