We are grateful for your generosity to OIKOS LA! Your faithfulness makes it possible for us to be a church that is responsive to the needs of our community.
We are pleased to announce that we now accept donations via Venmo, a popular and secure payment platform. To donate through Venmo, simply follow these easy steps:
- Open the Venmo app on your smartphone or visit on your computer.
- Search for our church's Venmo handle: @oikoslachurch
- Enter the amount you would like to give.
- In the "What's this for?" section, you can include any specific designation for your donation (e.g., tithes, offerings, missions, etc.).
- Click "Pay" to complete your donation.
Your generosity enables us to continue our mission of spreading God's love and serving our community. If you have any questions or need assistance with online giving, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for partnering with us in ministry!